On Rationality, Conscience, Religion and Dharma

The most imminent choice faced by an individual is to live or not live. It is the choice between life and death. Life is staying alive, hoping, loving, caring, appreciating, laughing, running, exercising freedom of expression and thoughts, and enjoying. Death is an unknown shrouded in mystery. It is an apparent end of life. When death is mostly unknown and we have no way to know if anything is there for a human beyond a physical death; we need a constitution to live this life here on the earth. This piece intends to explain why living with full content should be the only rational objective of a human being.


Throughout human history, humans have tried to explain the reasons behind their existence and find out if there is any meaning at all in the existence. Different branches of investigation was started to find an answer. There are two contrasting schools of investigation about the nature of existence and reality. One school is the school of science which is objective in nature and relies on inductive reasoning to find answers to questions pertaining reality. It presupposes space, existence of matter and time. It considers nothing to be transcendental. It says, existence exists on its own without any intervention of the living beings. There is another school of thought. That is the school of metaphysics. That presupposes nothing. It explains everything. It introduces the concept of God and divinity to explain what could not be explained by science. I have a problem with this school of thought. It relies on assumptions to fill the logical gaps in human mind. There is a creation, so it supposes there is a creator. It is just a way of thinking without any evidence. What are the evidences of God, Supreme Being, the omniscient and omnipresent? There is nothing. God is a presupposition, a residual being. Because, we cannot explain everything by science we introduce the concept of God. This God is created by mind. Religions have been invented by man to regulate the life of individuals, to regulate their freedom. Most religions are against living. They believe in torture of the body. As is there is an all-powerful God who created human beings for his fun while we keep starving our body and keep fighting with one another for our believes about God.


It necessitates the death of the so-called religions which have ruled the life of men for long. All religions need to die. Man needs to be free again. The only weapon man has in this war against irrational thinking is his own rationality. Human rationality should be the sole basis of living. Rationality enables us to separate the right from the wrong; the goods from the evils.
Dharma is a believe system that is supposed to make us behave in certain manner. It is supposed to make us behave morally. It defines what is right and what is wrong. But it is tricky. All rights and wrongs as defined by Dharma are not universal. What is generally perceived to be right in a place and at time may not be considered as right in another place or in another time. Therefore, religions and Dharma may induce fanatic behavior. The followers of a school of religions or dharma may clash with another school with opposing views. And, these clashes can be violent.
Therefore, humans don’t need to subscribe to any school of thought or belief system. They should solely rely on their own rationality and judgment to decide what is right and what is wrong. No narrowing ideology that divides us should be subscribed to. Satisfaction and content should be one`s motive. One should be evidence-based and scientific in thinking. Irrational thinking should be discouraged. We don’t need to enroll into any school of thought to be good human beings and live our life with full content. Rationality should be our sole weapon to live on this earth.


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